This mini post is to awaken those that need it. If you can't hear, this isn't for you.
This is a brief excerpt from a summary within The Mystic Soul Initiation.
".........The intent of this section was to highlight the things that we face as humans. As mentioned previously, just because you embark on a path to elevate your spiritual body does not mean that your human nature will go out the window with it.
You must learn to hold space for the darker aspects of yourself in order to become the greater version of yourself. The Bible verse(Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)) that says that,"we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places",wasn't lying. The way I interpret this verse speaks to the nature of humans and how people that are in power can end up becoming corrupted by the very thing that they may have been trying to change.
The astrological timing that we are in now, Pluto in Aquarius, is all about dismantling the masters house, in the words of Audre Lorde. With that comes mass awakening and actual movement in the name of the macro. The macro being change for humankind!
The world in which we live in is out for selfish gain, power, money, and they will do ANYTHING to get it. This is how one sells their "soul". If you can't obtain influence and power by way of your own spiritual crowning, its not yours to have. In that case, you will only have the option to seek it by means of borrowing. When you borrow ase'(essence) to obtain things, it will eventually deplete. You will have to pay the piper. No more robbing Peter to pay Paul, you are in DEBT! How does one pay a debt? Through blood! The most expensive debt to have is one that you owe spirits. You thought the Mafia was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet!
I was called to be a facilitator for change before I got here. My purpose is this! My purpose is to challenge your thought process and make you think before you act. My purpose is to open your eyes to the world around you. No more willful ignorance. Your next chapter isn't on me but on you!
In order to graduate to that place you must address your nature. You must recognize how we can be corrupted and flawed at times. Your need to be a better person should be on your vision board EVERY YEAR, not just this year! You must consistently strive to outdo the person you were last year and the year before. You are your only competition, not your neighbor or that person on IG that "has it all".
Your life is literally in your hands. When you leave here, what can you truly say about the life you led?"......