Finally! Candles to fit your intentions to aid you in manifesting your best life! Candle magick has been used as a means to produce a desired outcome to any given situation. The best way to prep for candle magick is with a spiritual bath which allows for a clean slate, clarity of mind and it removes any stagnant energy that may hinder you from rendering your best results! To prep, you can include our Cosmic Bath Salt Collection into your practice.
Please be mindful that different workings are best done during different planetary hours, days of the week or even moon phases. To get the best results, please be mindful. Also, petition paper is used to set the specific intention of your candle. You will need to write down what it is you'd like the universe to help you with, remember to ask precisely for what it is you that you want. Lastly, call in your spiritual team prior to your ritual and always have offerings ready! Offerings can be water, prayers, ancestor money or food(or all of them😉). In hoodoo, your ancestors and source are the pinnacle of your practice. When you call them forth prior to a ritual, your protection and assistance is set into play. Depending on the practice, you may feel comfortable casting a circle, do what YOU feel is best for you.
By The Riverside
By the Riverside was curated with the intention of healing, managing sadness due to depression, loss of loved ones, stress, shadow work, ancestral healing, uplift loved ones or feelings of lack.
Timeframe: Full Moon, Mondays(Day of Emotions)/Saturdays(Day of Healing) or Anytime
1.)Cleanse your sacred space, cast your circle and set the intention of protection or call forth your Spiritual team.
2.)Take a moment for breath work and focus your intentions into the candle.
3.)Once you've done this, write 3 things that you'd like to release, heal from or need help with. Be specific. End petition with a declaration such as so mote it be, And so it is or Ase'.
4.)Since this candle is meant to release/heal, fold your paper 3 times COUNTERCLOCKWISE to release, CLOCKWISE to bring about healing.
5.)Burn petition in fire safe bowl/cauldron.
6.)Light your candle and let the healing begin. Allow candle to burn for 3 hours each day and snuff it out OR burn all the way through(at your discretion). Ensure you burn it to completion.
*If your intention is for shadow work, it can be burned during each shadow work session.*
Crystal Vision
Crystal Vision was made with the intention of amplifying your known spiritual gifts and to aid in unlocking new ones. It also has the ability to connect you to your highest self, higher wisdom, source and the spirit realm. It can also be used during divination or mediation sessions.
Timeframe:Full Moon,Mondays-(Day of Spirituality),Midnight
1.)Cleanse your sacred space with frankincense and myrrh, cast your circle and set the intention of protection or call forth your Spiritual team.
2.)Take a moment for breath work and focus your intentions into the candle.
3.)Once you've done this, write 3 things that you'd like to do. Such as unveil new gifts within yourself, which spiritual gift you'd like to hone or which spirit(s)/ dieties you'd like to connect with. Be specific.
4.)Fold towards you,3 times CLOCKWISE, End petition with a declaration such as so mote it be, And so it is or Ase'.
5.)Burn your petition in a fire safe bowl/cauldron.
6.)Light your candle. Allow candle to burn for 3 hours each day and snuff it out OR burn all the way through(at your discretion). Ensure you burn it to completion.
*If your intentions are to use during divination/meditation, follow the steps and light only during said sessions.Can be combined with Divine Spirit Connection for the same purposes
Divine Spirit Connection
Divine spirit connection was made with the intention to connect you to the spiritual realm. To gain access to secret occult knowledge, ancestral healing work, Ancestral veneration, divination and mediation.
Timeframe: Anytime,Midnight,Mondays-(Day of Spirituality)
1.)Cleanse your sacred space with frankincense and myrrh, cast your circle and set the intention of protection or call forth your Spiritual team.
2.)Take a moment for breath work and focus your intentions into the candle.
3.)In Hoodoo, for ancestral veneration or connection, you'd want to present the candle to the 4 directions, in this order E-W/N-S. Once this is done, place candle on ancestral altar, or your personal working altar.(* If your practice is different, make sure to still present it to the 4 directions. As above, so below. Spirit meets the physical.)
4.)Burn 2 notes of ancestor money, giving thanks to those that cam before you. Write 3 intentions for the candle. Such as connection to spirit(s)/ deities of your highest good, gain access to occult knowledge, ancestral work or meditation. Be specific.
5.)Fold towards you,3 times CLOCKWISE, end the petition with a declaration such as so mote it be, And so it is or Ase'.
6.)Burn your petition in a fire safe bowl/cauldron.
7.)Light your candle. Allow candle to burn for 2 hours each day and snuff it out OR burn all the way through(at your discretion). Ensure you burn it to completion.
8.) In a journal(a designated ancestor journal is recommended), begin to commune with your spiritual team. If you have any questions, want to commune or need help, ask. Then place a clear quartz crystal onto the journal and watch spirit work. They will show you the way. The clear quartz is great for giving clarity, so be open to what spirit says and pay attention!
*If your intentions are to use during divination/meditation, follow the steps and light only during said sessions.Can be combined with Crystal Vision for the same purposes*
Empress Power
Empress Power was curated to aid in magnetism, personal power, honing the energies of the 4 queens in the tarot, confidence building and self-acceptance.
Timeframe: New Moon, Tuesdays-(Day of Power),
1.)Cleanse your sacred space with frankincense and myrrh, cast your circle and set the intention of protection or call forth your Spiritual team.
2.)Take a moment for breath work and focus your intentions into the candle.
3.)Once you've done this, write 3 things that you'd like to do. Such as become more confident, become more attractive to divinely orchestrated opportunities, to step into your empress power, or to increase your vitality/authority. Be specific.
4.)Fold towards you,3 times CLOCKWISE, End petition with a declaration such as so mote it be, And so it is or Ase'.
5.)Burn your petition in a fire safe bowl/cauldron.
6.)Light your candle. Allow candle to burn for 3 hours each day and snuff it out OR burn all the way through(at your discretion). Ensure you burn it to completion.